General questions
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Informex Vehicle Online is an auction website available from Monday to Saturday from 7am to 10pm.
The vehicles are published during a specified period mentioned in the auction; it’s the expiration date. You’re able to make a bid on an auction only before the expiration. It is not possible to view or to outbid bids from other bidders.
Only bids received by Informex before 10pm on the day of the expiration date will be considered.
The validity period of a bid is 20 days after the expiration date. When you make a bid, you’re committed to it.
The vehicle’s paperwork and accessories are supplied with the vehicle when removed or are sent by the assessor.
The guarantee will be used to cover the payment defaults for the amounts due to Informex. This guarantee will be pay back to you the next month after the end of the contract, minus all account payable due to Informex.
It’s important to give us a Belgian phone number of a contact person who is able to speak French and Dutch because the owners of the vehicles; sometimes individuals, assessors and insurance companies speak French and Dutch. So, it’s important that the contact person has enough knowledge of both languages.
It’s not possible to get a trial of the website before the subscription.
There are more than 300 vehicles published on a daily base on our website.
The invoice of the vehicle is provided by the seller. In case of troubles, please contact the assessor in charge of the file.
You can retrieve your last invoice by clicking the “My account” tab.
It’s not possible to see the bids of other members.
Informex doesn’t rent the services of a towing company. You are able to call a towing company by yourself.
All passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, motorcycles and trucks are available.
More than 300 new vehicles are published on our platform on a daily base. The vehicles stay on the website for 7 days. There is more or less 1.300 vehicles available right now on the website.